"Voice that soars on a crystalline yet sugar-free sweetness"

When the show’s romantic leads, Meg Bussert and Martin Vidnovic, come together late in Act I to declare their love, they at once send the audience into the stratosphere of ecstasy and catapult themselves into the loftiest firmament of musical comedy performers. Meg Bussert, the charming ‘Marian the Librarian’ of last spring’s ill-fated MUSIC MAN is a demure young woman with wispy auburn hair, a hesitant grin and a voice that soars on a crystalline yet sugar-free sweetness. When she sings ‘Almost Like Being in Love,’ it’s not almost like being in love. It’s the real thing. One wonders if the Majestic has seen anything like her since Mary Martin and Barbara Cook held court in the 40’s and 50’s.
— Frank Rich